Thursday, July 7, 2011

One Widdle Step, Den Anudder Widdle Step...

That's what my 4 year old told me one morning when I told him I couldn't do something. I don't remember what "it" was anymore, but he said "Yes you can, Mommy! You jus' take one widdle step, den anudder widdle step...." and on he went. Out of the mouths of babes.

That's how I feel this morning. We're begging God for a miracle for our financial crisis, and God keeps answering us one widdle step at a time. This morning's payroll deposit was considerably more than we expected, but only just enough to pay the rent, that's a week past due. We still have other things that are past due and in danger of being turned off, but God will meet those needs in His time. I'm certain of it. He's simply drawing us closer to Him, and doing it bit by bit. Thank You, Lord, that Your mercies are new every morning! We adore You, Father!

Have you ever had these times? Times when it seems like God has forsaken you, like He's left you to your own demise? I know I have, but now, in this current situation, I have the peace of knowing that He's done this before. He's brought us to the brink of desperation, to the point that there's no way to turn but to Him, and taken care of everything. The sacrifices we make as a single-income family are tough. Seasons like this one have me scrambling, searching for a job working nights to help make ends meet. But, where would the FAITH be in that? God has asked me to stay home, to take care of my family, and that's what I need to do. My children have the confidence of knowing that they will wake up, and I'll be here to feed them, and care for them. My husband has the confidence of knowing that when he wakes up, I'll not only be here to care for him, but will be here with the children so that he isn't late for work. God is simply using yet another financial crisis to draw us even closer to Him... and it's working. We've started praying together again at night. We used to read our Bibles and pray together before going to sleep every night, but then we fell out of the pattern. We are reading separately now because we're reading different One Year plans this year, but we're joining hands and crying out to our LORD together each night. And God's hearing our cries.

Matthew 18:19-20 NLT
19 I also tell you this:
If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask,
my Father in heaven will do it for you.
20 For where two or three gather together as my followers,
I am there among them.

We can cry out all day separately to God about the same thing, but there is much power when we come together, and join hands, and cry out to God as one voice, not two. Another beautiful of example of how God is a relational God. He did not create us to be alone, but to be in a relationship. A relationship with each other, and with Him. 

So, this morning, I am clothed with strength and dignity. I'm laughing in the face of adversity, because I have no fear of what my future holds. Because:
Philippians 4:19 NLT
And this same God who takes care of me
will supply all your needs from his glorious riches,
which have been given to us
in Christ Jesus.

How's your strength and dignity doing? Talk to me! If you're reading along with me, I pray you will consider coming over to my Facebook page, and talking to me there. I want to hear what's on your heart! Or, if you prefer, and you have a more private request, or would like me to pray for something specifically, you may email me :)

I have one last question! I need new breakfast ideas! Something simple but yummy! I've fixed my man nothing but eggs over-easy and toast for over a week now! He's bound to get sick of it! Give me your best quick, easy, and yummy breakfast recipes! 

I leave you with a piece of scripture from Psalms :) This was part of my nightly reading last night, and is a great reminder from the psalmist to stay on the right path!

Psalm 1:1-3 NLT
1 Oh, the joys of those who do not
      follow the advice of the wicked,
      or stand around with sinners,
      or join in with mockers.
 2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,
      meditating on it day and night.
 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
      bearing fruit each season.
   Their leaves never wither,
      and they prosper in all they do.

Are you a tree, this morning? Or are you a weed? See you tomorrow! Same time, same place!

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